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HOGA is proud to announce the achievement of ISO 27001 certification. Awarded in January 2021, our company went through a series of strict audits, tests and system adjustments over several months.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]These procedures are to make sure that our Information Security Management Systems are of high standards to gain ISO 27001 status.

HOGA worked with government certification authorisation body Socotec, who ensured that all stringent measures were met.

We are extremely proud of this achievement because we faced many challenges of 2020 and COVID setbacks. We see 2021 as a new positive chapter as a company aiming for greater heights.

ISO 27001 is an international standard on how to manage information security.

IT systems can process tons of information very quickly. Information has to be secure and confidential while at the same time having platforms available to the public via emails, cloud computing and social networks. If clients’ and customers’ information is compromised a problem with trust develops and leads to the company’s disadvantage.

With social networks and online shopping a large part of our world, all information has to be secure and properly managed. ISO 27001 certification ensures that a company beefs up its protocols, systems and management in a well-organised way and demonstrates operational IT security management.

A company with ISO 27001 certification gives clients more confidence that their information is secure.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”6839″ img_size=”large”][vc_single_image image=”6512″ img_size=”medium”][vc_single_image image=”5139″ img_size=”medium”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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